Dream of Hungry Children – June 2018

A dream Rania had on June 6th 2018:


In my dream, I saw a woman that was laying on a bed, and she looked like she was tired and almost like she was asleep. She was naked and in the sixth month of her pregnancy. Her children were around her and they were hungry. They needed milk but the mother didn’t have any milk flowing from her breast because it was blocked. She had milk, but there was a blockage. Then I saw a man which I did not like and he came to invite me to see this scene. I didn’t like the man because he had a seductive spirit. When I looked into the scene, I saw the woman again. Then the scene changed and a woman, who I consider as a prophetic voice, looked at me and said: “Keep looking forward!” She said it in a very strong voice and militant way.

I believe the Lord is calling me to begin to gather the mothers into the house of prayer to pray and to intercede on behalf of the hungry children that are around.  In my journey of working with women, the Lord has shown me many revelations about the significant role mothers play in the land.  I believe this is a critical time to be united corporately to strengthen each other in the Lord as well as in intercession.

Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches. Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands toward Him. For the life of your young children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street.” 

Lamentations 2:19

I would like to invite you, our family from around the world, to pray with us for the strengthening of mothers and children in this strategic and critical season. I believe we are on the verge of a breakthrough and birthing during the month of September, but we need each one of you to hold our hands in this season to keep pushing forward until the new birthing happens in the land.