Arab Women’s Gathering at HOPE 06/07/2024

On 06/07/2024, we had around 35 Arab women leaders coming for a special meeting here at HOPE. The women joining us came from different churches around the Galilee. Our time of fellowship was very deep, and it was very important for us to come together. We had not seen each other for a long time, so it was a good reunion bringing unity among the mothers of the land. We could sense the heart of the Father and His love, as we stood together supporting one another in these troubling and challenging times in the midst of a war. Our time of worship was really powerful, and our prayers were focussed on the situation in the land, for our government and leaders, and for the Arabs in Gaza, but we were also praying against the violence within the Arab community in Israel.

Furthermore, I shared a word of encouragement from the Book of Nehemiah and the call to build a wall together and cast a vision that we should continue to stand and build together in unity, because the Lord will fight for us. The main verse I was sharing on was Nehemiah 4:20, where it says, “Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!” (NIV). It was all about sounding the trumpet. I then announced the 40 days of fasting and called the women to join us in this fast, encouraging them to take the initiative “to build a wall” and “straighten the bars of the gates” in their cities and the places they are positioned in, as they walk around the city praying. Finally, we broke bread together, prayed for one another, and encouraged each other in the Lord. We had a wonderful time of fellowship around a very rich and good meal, which one of our staff, one of the mothers, had prepared for us.

Vision for Lebanon 24/06/2024

By Rania Sayegh

I saw a huge angel take a big sword and strike it into the heart of Lebanon. While this was taking place, I saw the ground beginning to shake. Then I saw the winds blowing strongly from the four corners of the land, and as they began to move and swirl like a whirlwind, their movement was carrying dust from the earth, blowing it into the air. I sensed it was the formation of a dust storm. As the winds continued blowing strongly, I saw them breaking the high and lofty cedars of Lebanon.

I sensed the Lord was saying to me that the winds of change and awakening are blowing over Lebanon. The sword of the Lord, His Word is going to come forth and be established. His Word and voice are thundering over Lebanon to bring freedom and deliverance.

I sensed there is a dust storm coming to Lebanon not only in the spiritual sense but natural to bring blindness and confusion in the camps of the enemy.

Open your doors, O Lebanon,
That fire may devour your cedars.
Wail, O cypress, for the cedar has fallen,
Because the mighty trees are ruined.
Wail, O oaks of Bashan,
For the thick forest has come down.
There is the sound of wailing shepherds!
For their glory is in ruins.
There is the sound of roaring lions!
For the pride of the Jordan is in ruins.
Zechariah 11:1-3

For His glory,

Rania Sayegh

Report from Rania’s Ministry Trip to Norway, 22-28/05/2024 and Sweden, 28/05-05/06/2024

Rania’s trip to Sweden and Norway was a wonderful blessing, and the Lord really surprised her in many ways.

The first leg of the journey was in Sweden, where Rania spent the first few days meeting with leaders of a prayer movement there, who shared about what God is doing in Sweden, and how He has been using initiative prayer and prophetic journeys, repentance on behalf of the nation, and special prayer gatherings to bring a real breakthrough in different areas. Rania’s time in Sweden was wonderful and effective. After meeting with the leaders, Rania went on to visit her family, and seeing her nephews, her brother and his wife again was also refreshing. It was a beautiful family reunion.

Afterwards, Rania travelled on to Norway, where she was invited to be part of the Stord Conference, a strategic and timely gathering, which took place on the Island of Stord in the western part of the country. This gathering was part of a series of different prayer initiatives, ship cruises and prophetic acts organized all over the country because of the thousand years of Norway’s independence as a nation. The Body of Christ and the prayer movement had started all these different initiatives to cover the nation in prayer and restore the heritage and stand on the values of the constitution and the heritage of Norway being founded as a Christian nation.

The Stord Conference, which Rania was part of, was a wonderful gathering, and the Holy Spirit and God’s presence was tangible there. There were around 170-200 participants in the meetings. During the three days of the conference, God was moving and releasing prophecy, declaring the restoration of Norway back to its Christian roots. For Rania it was a blessing to be able to speak there twice. During a long one-hour session, Rania spoke about heritage, and she also shared a vision she had seen during the conference and released it over the nation, and the Lord was really touching people. (To look at the vision, click here.)

It was a powerful time of sharing this vision. While Rania was emphasizing the difference between heritage and inheritance, how God works with the inheritance, and how we can secure it, she was speaking about God’s destiny for Norway. Beside this, Rania also shared about the situation in Israel and the prophetic assignment during Purim, where they were standing together, Jew and Arab, repenting and decreeing a decree, breaking the covenant of death and replacing it with a covenant of life together as one family in the Land of Israel. Rania spoke about the importance and the power of reestablishing the covenant, and the upcoming trip to Poland, where the Jewish and Arab family would be endeavouring together on a journey of prayer reestablishing the covenant during Shavuot, the time when the Book of Ruth is traditionally opened. After Rania spoke about these things, everyone united in prayer for Israel and for Gaza, praying for both the Arab and the Jew and the salvation of God’s people both in Israel and in Gaza.

During the Stord Conference, Rania also shared a prophetic word for Norway, which God gave her for the thousand years of independence. God first gave this word to Rania in February during the national prayer conference in Grimerud, where He told her that His timing for Norway is now in the thousand years.

God spoke to Rania, as she was sitting in the room praying, while snow was coming down outside. The Lord spoke to her about how the snow comes down to clean and purify the land. He also spoke from Isaiah 55:10-11, where it says that like the snow coming down, the Word of the Lord is going forth from His mouth, and it will not return to Him void, but succeed and prosper and fulfil all God’s purposes. God spoke to Rania about the snow and then whispered in her ear about the thousand years. He then took her to Zechariah 3, where it speaks about Joshua the priest, and says, “‘If you will walk in My ways, And if you will keep My command…” (verse 7), “And I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day” (verse 9). As Rania was pondering on that during the conference in February, the Lord then spoke to her and said that He would remove the iniquities of the nation in a day. Then she went back to 2 Peter 3:8, where it says, “with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” Then it really clicked in Rania’s heart. It says in Zechariah 3 that “I will inscribe on the stone that I will remove the iniquity of a nation in a day.” So, this was a thousand years in a day, the thousand years of anniversary for the nation of Norway. That was a promise that God had given that He would remove the iniquity of a nation in a day, “if you walk in my ways and keep my commands.” This was a very important word that resonated with many of the leaders’ hearts.

Incredibly enough, one of the prophetic leaders in Norway named Howard Sand had initiated a project of a stone, which he had made a replica of. The stone is located in Moster Island, half an hour from Stord, where the conference was, and it was the actual stone, where King Olav, the first king of Norway, said, as he bowed on it, “We will bow toward the east, and we will bow for Christ. The king will be a friend of God. The king will be a friend of the people.” That was his declaration a thousand years ago, when he bowed on that rock. This stone they believed was the foundation of the values of Norway, and it was here the Christian nation of Norway was born. It says in Isaiah 28 that they wanted to establish this, like I will put a chief cornerstone in Zion. It is, indeed, not about the stone, but about the values and the cornerstone, Jesus. The establishment of the values of the heritage of the Christian nation of Norway, how it was founded, and the covenant of this king.

As part of the project, Norwegian believers want to make a replica of this stone in order to take it all over Norway and place it everywhere to decree that the nation is returning to its foundations, to reestablish and stand on the values of the nation again. It was truly a renewal of a covenant. Rania did not know about this project, but God spoke to her about the verse in Zechariah 3, where it says, “I will inscribe on a stone that I will remove the iniquity of the nation in a day.” It was stunning and shocking for Rania to hear this from the Lord, but the people were really encouraged, because it speaks very much about what they were doing. Ultimately, they ended up inscribing and engraving all over the replica of the stone the same words from Zechariah 3:9, “I will inscribe on a stone that I will remove the iniquity of the nation in a day.” It was a very powerful time, with lots of confirmation from different people telling Rania how much this had touched their hearts and confirmed in their spirit that God will, indeed, visit Norway, and in a day, there will be revival and mass salvation within the nation!

After finishing the Stord conference, they all went together to Moster and prayed in a very old church, near where the stone is, and during their time of prayer and breaking of bread, there was a renewal of covenant with all the participants in the conference. They also bowed towards the east on the stone, and renewed the covenant with the nation of Norway together with the remnant of the Norwegian family that was present. Afterwards, they went up to the cross on the mountain, where they also prayed and broke bread, declaring that the nation of Norway belongs to Jesus, “No king but Jesus over Norway!” It was a very powerful time.

Rania then had two days in Bergen, where she had been invited by a friend to speak in Credo Church. Around 100-120 people were gathered, and it was a wonderful evening of prayer and intercession. Rania shared about what is taking place in Israel right now during the war. She also shared her vision from the Lord and released the prophetic word God had given her for Norway, like she did at the Stord Conference.

Finally, Rania went back to Sweden for another six days, where she, together with a group of Messianic-Jewish leaders, had been invited to be part of a retreat with Pastor Linda Bergling in Shohamra. It was a wonderful time of refreshment, prayer and intercession, and deepening relationship with the Swedish family and the Messianic-Jewish leaders who were present. Sunday morning, Rania and all the rest of the leaders who were at the retreat, participated in a church service at Arken Church, where Rania was asked to speak for 15 minutes. She gave a word about God’s heart for unity between the Jewish and Arab family and walking together. She gave a short report about the war, emphasizing how we should keep our hearts and love for one another that we may not break covenant during this hard time with Israel being nine months in war with Hamas, how we should pray for both Arab and Jew as one heart in love and covenant, like Ruth and Naomi did. They made a covenant together to stand together in love for one another, and from that Obed was born, and with him a whole generation of worshippers was born. It was wonderful to have time to reflect on all what God is doing, and to pray and fellowship. It was indeed a very refreshing time for Rania right before her trip to Poland, which was a very strategic trip with six from the team at HOPE and another five from the Messianic-Jewish family, who went together.


Urgent Call For Prayer And Fasting!

We are sending out this urgent letter, as we want to ask you to please stand with us in prayer and fasting from the 13th till the 19th of May against an event called “The Magic Conference,” which is scheduled to take place from the 16th to the 18th of May, the days around Pentecost, in southern Israel (see below.) Many witches and wizards will be coming to Israel these days in order to participate in this occult conference. This is really dangerous, as it will be opening a doorway of evil again here in the land, so we need to cover the land in prayer. Let us pray that the Lord will stop them, that the event will be prevented from taking place in the south, and that they will be coming to bring healing instead of a curse upon the land.

Trip to Dubai, 29/1-4/2/2024

At the end of January, Rania and a few other young people from the House of Prayer flew to the UAE to participate in a small Watchmen for the Nations gathering with David Demian and a group of about 30 leaders, most of them coming from across the Isaiah 19 Highway in the Middle East.

The goal of the conference was to seek the Lord together and deepen the unity and heart connection with one another. During those days, very important conversations were taking place, touching on several difficult issues connected with the crisis in the Middle East since October 7th 2023.

One of the main issues was concerning the destinies and callings of Jews and Arabs. We spent many hours in prayer and worship and sharing hearts, as we were asking the Lord to bring healing into these deep issues that were surfacing due to the challenging situation we are facing right now with the current war in Israel and the region.

During the few days we were there, the Lord was working a lot in our hearts and melting us in His presence with deeper unity. He was shedding the light and truth on ancient biblical truth and bringing us in alignment with His heart and word for His Kingdom purposes.

During Rania’s first days in the UAE, before the gathering started, she received a vision for the UAE, which you can read here. This vision was a key for Rania to be part of a prophetic act that was going to take place with one of her friends from the USA. Rania did not know in advance that she was coming to the UAE, until they by accident were texting, and Rania found out that her friend would be landing in the UAE on the same day. When they met together, Rania was surprised to find out that her friend had come to do a prophetic act and pray at the maritime shore in Dubai.

The vision that Rania had received a day before they met was a confirmation for an encounter her friend had had with the Lord in the UAE 22 years ago. The Lord was confirming to both of them that they should perform this prophetic prayer assignment together with a few other locals the next day. This was truly a divinely orchestrated time and a confirmation of the vision Rania had seen on the 30th of January. Rania believes this trip was very strategic and timely, and part of God’s plan, which she suddenly found herself being part of. Jesus is the genius orchestrator of life events. Glory to His name!

Trip to Norway, 12-21/2/2024

In the middle of the month of February, Rania and her friend Margaret flew to Norway to be part of a strategic national prayer conference led by YWAM leaders in the Grimerud base. Rania was invited to be one of the main speakers at this conference. The last time she visited Norway and ministered at this national conference was in 2019.

The first two days prior to the conference, Rania & Margaret were part of the leadership meetings, which were strategic gatherings, where each one shared from their hearts what the Lord was speaking at this time, and what He wanted to impart into the land of Norway and her people.

On the second day of the prayer conference, Rania was interviewed by one of the leaders. A couple of the questions Rania was asked in the interview were about the current war situation in Israel, as they wanted her to share a Kingdom perspective and update on this crisis. By the end of the interview, she shared eight prayer points with the participants in the conference in order for them to unite together in prayer for Israel.

Before traveling, Rania had a word from the Lord that she should bring with her a gift to the Norwegian family, a gift representing a token to what God was wanting to release to the nation of Norway in the coming season. The gift was an ancient key from Jerusalem! The key was miraculously provided by the Lord, as most of the stores in the Old City of Jerusalem were closed during the war, and Rania did not even have the time to travel all the way to Jerusalem to bring such a key if it was found. However, the Lord arranged it, as we found a key for sale from a woman in Nazareth, who had once owned an antique store. She had kept one key aside for a few years, and one of Rania’s friends, who came to the House of Prayer, contacted her to ask her if she would sell them this key. The Lord amazingly provided the key for Rania, so that she got it before leaving for Norway! God provided the ancient key from Jerusalem, praise God!

On Saturday evening, Rania had been asked to speak, so she brought the message God had given her for this season, and what He had spoken to her about Norway, the prophetic timing we are living in, and how to align ourselves with God’s purposes for our nation and beyond. Towards the end of the message, 12 leaders representing the audience came up on stage to stand in the gap on behalf of the nation of Norway in repentance of antisemitic hatred and apostasy rising in the land. Then Rania took the key and declared for the gates to open up over the nation and face Jerusalem from the east. One of the musicians on the worship team blew the ancient Norwegian shofar to welcome the King of Glory through the gate. Then Rania presented the gift of the key to a few of the main leaders at the meeting. God’s presence and awe was tangible in the room at this holy moment!

The next day, a very encouraging testimony was shared of a healing miracle that had taken place the night Rania spoke. The Lord had given her a word of knowledge for a person suffering from an inconsistent heart rate, which she brought up in the beginning of the meeting. When Rania shared the word, a man sitting in the audience lifted his hand, and while Rania was praying for him, he was instantly healed at that very moment. Praise the Lord for this wonderful healing miracle! Jesus the great physician of all manifested Himself as Jehovah Rapha!

It was such a privilege for Rania to be part of the conference, to fellowship with the Norwegian family and hear what God has been doing through the 10 years of her journey with them since 2014, as well as the fulfillment of many prophetic words God gave her for them throughout her ministry there. It is such an encouragement to see how God is moving in Norway, and how the Body of Messiah there is taking their stand and being positioned as Esthers for their nation and the Scandinavian nations for such a time as this!

Vision of Bride Coming Out of the Sea in the UAE: 30/01/2024

By Rania Sayegh

As I was in my room worshiping the Lord. I was looking towards the sea from the balcony of my room. Then I was taken into a vision, I heard a sound of eagles screeching, and then I saw a herd of them swirling around over the sea sounding their voices as an announcement of something going on. As I continued to look, I saw a beautiful bride coming out of the sea with her veil on. She was dressed in a white gown, but the dress was embroidered with all kinds of flags of nations, and many nations were on this gown. While she was coming out of the sea, Jesus came to the seashore waiting for her to come out, and He took the veil off of her face. I saw her face, and her face looked like an Arab with dark skin, wide beautiful black eyes, and long straight hair. She was joyful and smiling when she saw Jesus, her bridegroom, and her face lit up with excitement.

Then Jesus came and lifted the veil off her face, and I saw him driving her to another location. I saw her now on the desert sands, but when she and Jesus were there, Jesus suddenly took her hands and began to dance. She responded to the dance and began to swirl around. Then all of a sudden, while He was dancing with her, the golden sand underneath their feet, turned into golden harvest fields. The dance was so beautiful and joyful, and the eyes of Jesus and His bride were locked together as she was following Him in His foot movement over the golden harvest fields.

That’s how the vision ended.

The following verses were highlighted in my spirit after the vision:

”Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse,
With me from Lebanon.
Look from the top of Amana,
From the top of Senir and Hermon,
From the lions’ dens,
From the mountains of the leopards.
You have ravished my heart,
My sister, my spouse;
You have ravished my heart
With one look of your eyes,
With one link of your necklace.
How fair is your love,
My sister, my spouse!
How much better than wine is your love,
And the scent of your perfumes
Than all spices!
Your lips, O my spouse,
Drip as the honeycomb;
Honey and milk are under your tongue;
And the fragrance of your garments
Is like the fragrance of Lebanon.
A garden enclosed
Is my sister, my spouse,
A spring shut up,
A fountain sealed.
Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates
With pleasant fruits,
Fragrant henna with spikenard,
Spikenard and saffron,
Calamus and cinnamon,
With all trees of frankincense,
Myrrh and aloes,
With all the chief spices—
A fountain of gardens,
A well of living waters,
And streams from Lebanon.
Awake, O north wind,
And come, O south!
Blow upon my garden,
That its spices may flow out.
Let my beloved come to his garden
And eat its pleasant fruits.“
Song of Solomon 4:8-16 NKJV

”How beautiful on the mountains are the sandaled feet of this one bringing such good news. You are truly royalty! The way you walk so gracefully in my ways displays such dignity. You are truly the poetry of God—his very handiwork. Out of your innermost being is flowing the fullness of my Spirit— never failing to satisfy. Within your womb there is a birthing of harvest wheat; they are the sons and daughters nurtured by the purity you impart.
How gracious you have become!“
Song of Songs 7:1-3 TPT

‬For His glory,
