Women’s Online Prayer 23rd March 2020

We set a time on Zoom to gather together with the Arab mothers of the land who carry authority and influence for the Galilee region and Jerusalem. Rania felt led from 2 Samuel 24 to gather them to build an altar so that God will hear from heaven and stop the plague of coronavirus in Israel.

We began with an act of repentance before the Lord for the bloodshed of the innocent through abortion. Rania had been struck when she heard a woman from England share how God had spoken to her through the statistics that she found while searching for the possible percentage of deaths that COVID 19 could cause relative to the population of England. She found a prediction of 8 million people who could die from this plague. She cried out to God in intercession and asked how the enemy could have such a legal right for so many people? To her astonishment, God told her to check how many abortions had taken place in the UK – 8 million babies! That finding was so shocking to her that it brought her to her knees to cry out for mercy and that God would spare the nation of England from the consequences of this sin and from the blood crying out from the ground.

This story moved Rania’s heart and gave her a burden to call the women together to take our position as mothers in the land and stand in the gap and repent for the bloodshed of the innocent babies in Israel among the Arab community. Therefore we gathered to repent together corporately as 19 women came together, sharing hearts, repenting and building an altar to the Lord. Each woman brought 12 stones from her region to carry out this prophetic act.

Priscilla joined us on this call and shared deep thoughts and revelations from the Lord and her personal journey on the matter of abortion in the US and the power of the communion table shared by the body of Christ all around America for declaring the power of the blood of Jesus which is more powerful and speaks louder than the blood of Abel. We felt that the Lord shifted something in the atmosphere of our land on that day. We are so grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to partner with His heart as women of the land and to be used humbly by God to shift the course of history over our nation.

Vision: the Lion & the 7 Mountains – December 2018

“The Lord roars from Zion, and utters his voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earthquake. But the Lord is a refuge to his people, a stronghold to the people of Israel.”

Joel 3:16

At the end of our 40 days of fasting that we began on November 11th, and ended December 21st, I saw a vision in our Friday night youth meeting.

I saw a vision of the Lion of Judah jumping on the seven mountaintops of Israel. There was a candlestick on the top of each mountain, and when the Lion roared over each mountain it lit up the candle that was on it with fire. I saw seven candles lit atop the seven mountains, it formed a menorah of seven candles on fire. Then I heard the Lord saying to me, “watch me in these next seven months.” I feel the Lord is going to light up the candles atop the seven mountains in Israel, and that the Lord is asking for my & others partnership to do this.

We are going to begin to see a move of the Holy Spirit in the land like never before. This is the year 5779, and nine represents the nine gifts of the Spirit and the nine fruits of the Spirit. The Lord is saying that He is going to release the fullness of the Spirit and the seven spirits of God to the land.

“And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.”

Isaiah 11:2

These are the mountains I feel the Lord has been highlighting to me to go and pray on:

* Mount Gilboa
* Mount Precipice
* Mount Carmel
* Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal
* Mount Zion
* Mount Hermon
* Mount Tabor

I’ve shared the vision with two Jewish women & another Arab woman. The four of us will go to these mountains to pray, to partner with the Lord in prayer and intercession, and to do the prophetic acts He leads us to do. We will see these candlesticks lit up again! The Lord showed me He is about to restore and take back the high places of Israel.

When a lion roars, one of the major things that happens is a shaking that the vibration of his sound creates. It says in Joel 3:16 when the Lord roars there will be shakings and earthquakes. Also, when a lion roars he is claiming back his property and declaring the borders of his dominion. When the Lion of the Tribe of Judah roars, He is declaring victory over His enemies and releasing fear and trembling in the camps of the enemies.

The Lord has highlighted to us Ezekiel 6 and 36 when Ezekiel prophecies over the mountains of Israel. The Lord is asking His people to turnaround and return to Him with all their hearts. This turning will cause idols to fall first from the hearts of His people, Israel, and then the Lord will be able to take back the mountains. On top of the mountains, often times sacrifices to idols took place. The Lord is wanting to deal with the sin of idolatry, compromise, and complacency amongst His people. He is wanting to take back the high places so that His Name and His Name alone will be lifted up over the nation of Israel.

The candlesticks represent the seven spirits of God on the menorah which is the work and move of the Holy Spirit. The menorah is the symbol of the nation of Israel, and He wants to light up the candles on this menorah again. An enlightenment of the hearts of the people of the land is coming, and the people of this land are going to see their Messiah. He is the only way, the truth, and the light. I believe that God wants to bring a great harvest of Jewish and Arab souls this year. As the Lion roars, He proclaims that no one will touch His people and that they belong to him and him alone!

Dream: Tsunami Warning January 2019

On January 14th, a friend of mine from the HOPE Intercessory Team had a dream. She saw herself taken to a beach in the land of Israel. People were there and relaxing. Suddenly, she was standing as a watchman in a watchtower, and in the distance, she could see a huge tsunami approaching. She pointed her finger at the tsunami and partnered with God in prayer to stop the tsunami. As she continued to pray in the name of Jesus, the tsunami became like one drop.

When she woke up from the dream, she knew it this was a real warning. This a warning from the Lord to pray against any possible upcoming earthquakes that could cause a tsunami. On the evening of January 24th, I was in my home with my family, and everything began shaking. A 3.6 magnitude earthquake hit the Nazareth and the Galilee area. We were grateful for God’s protection as no harm has happened to us, our family, or our property.

The day after the earthquake, I was cooking in HOPE and I felt the Holy Spirit show me that as the earthquake was a 3.6 magnitude I should read Ezekiel 36. To my surprise, the next day I received a text from an intercessor whom I have never met. She saw a prayer request I had posted asking for protection from earthquakes over our land, and she had a word to send to me, she also had heard Ezekiel 36 for me. I knew then that there was no doubt God was speaking and connecting the vision of the lion roaring with the earthquake. In fact, when the earthquake happened, we heard a sound outside our home that sounded like thunder or a bomb.

Others heard it too, and reported in the Jerusalem Post

The Lord is highlighting to us that He is on the move. When the lion roars, shakings begin, the Bible says that the heavens and the earth will tremble and shake at the sound of the Lord’s roar. He is also inviting us to partner in intercession against any possible bigger earthquake that will cause a tsunami in our land.

Following the earthquake, the daughter of some good friends of mine who are Jewish leaders in the land of Israel received a warning dream of a coming tsunami hitting the shores of Tel Aviv. So we know that God is really speaking to us, and confirming his word by two or more witnesses.

We covet your prayers to stand as watchmen in the nations to pray for Israel, for protection, and a reversal of any looming crisis in the future that could be caused by an earthquake and result in a tsunami. Please pray with us that God would have mercy on Israel and that the people of the land would return with all their hearts in humility and repentance. For the Lord in His anger always loves mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.

(Image by Elias Sch. from Pixabay)

A call to 40 Days Prayer and Fasting – November 2018


We would like to invite you to join us for 40 days of prayer and fasting from November 11th until December 21st.  The focus of this fast is on Jesus being more than enough.  We desire to experience an awakening of our love for Jesus as we ask Him to come and pour out fresh oil in our lamps.  We want to stay bright and burning with His love and fire!  During the fast, we will be doing a 21-day brain detox by Dr. Caroline Leaf where we will learn how to break down toxic thoughts and much more.

Many of the young people in our community have responded to this call, as well as both Arab and Jewish women from the congregations around Israel. We believe this will be a powerful time to shake off any tiredness and to be reignited with a burning passion to partner with the Lord in prayer & worship.  We will push through until there is a breakthrough in our hearts and land!

We would also appreciate your prayers for us here at HOPE as we have gone through many changes in recent days.  We have especially had a lot of changes in our staff and would appreciate you covering all those who serve at HOPE in prayer.

We are excited to partner with you all during this time of fasting and prayer!

Dream of Hungry Children – June 2018

A dream Rania had on June 6th 2018:


In my dream, I saw a woman that was laying on a bed, and she looked like she was tired and almost like she was asleep. She was naked and in the sixth month of her pregnancy. Her children were around her and they were hungry. They needed milk but the mother didn’t have any milk flowing from her breast because it was blocked. She had milk, but there was a blockage. Then I saw a man which I did not like and he came to invite me to see this scene. I didn’t like the man because he had a seductive spirit. When I looked into the scene, I saw the woman again. Then the scene changed and a woman, who I consider as a prophetic voice, looked at me and said: “Keep looking forward!” She said it in a very strong voice and militant way.

I believe the Lord is calling me to begin to gather the mothers into the house of prayer to pray and to intercede on behalf of the hungry children that are around.  In my journey of working with women, the Lord has shown me many revelations about the significant role mothers play in the land.  I believe this is a critical time to be united corporately to strengthen each other in the Lord as well as in intercession.

Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the watches. Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord. Lift your hands toward Him. For the life of your young children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street.” 

Lamentations 2:19

I would like to invite you, our family from around the world, to pray with us for the strengthening of mothers and children in this strategic and critical season. I believe we are on the verge of a breakthrough and birthing during the month of September, but we need each one of you to hold our hands in this season to keep pushing forward until the new birthing happens in the land.

Global Day of Prayer 2012 – 10 days Prayer Guide

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Please find the 10 day prayer guide for May 17th -27th prior to the Global Day of Prayer on May 27th 2012. We invite you to join with us for these 10 days to prepare the way for a greater Pentecost!


The prayer guides are in English and Arabic.

Here’s the Arabic version:

To download please press on the following link:

GDOP Prayer guide 2012 – Arabic

Here’s the English version:

To download please press on the following link:

Prayer Guide 2012-ENG

Let’s stand together with fervent prayers!

– Rania

Training Notes On Corporate Intercession & Preparation For Revival – Arabic

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Please find the notes for the training HOPE conducted on June 10th 2011 for leaders and intercessors in Acre church. Pastor Ray & Renaid Almegren gave this teaching. We pray these notes will be a blessing to your life and church.

To view the teaching notes and download please press on the following link:

Training Session on Intercession – Arabic


Training Session on Preparing for Revival – Arabic


– Rania

Global Day Of Prayer Event In Israel Today Magazine

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

We had the privilege of hosting the GDOP event 2010 in Nazareth again this year. It was such a unique event and historical. We witnessed a powerful work of the Holy Spirit in our midst and healing between Arabs & Jews as foot washing took place during the meetings. We are so grateful for what God is doing in Nazareth and in the Nation of Israel!

Please find the following link to an article that was written on the event in Israel Today Magazine.


Israel today website: www.Israeltoday.co.il

Abiding in the beloved,

– Rania


Global Day of prayer event

Global Day of Prayer – 10 Days Prayer Guide – 2010

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Please find the 10 days May 13th -23rd prayer guide leading up to the global day of prayer on May 23rd. We invite you to join with us for these 10 days to prepare the way for a greater Pentecost!

The prayer guides are available in English and Arabic.

Here’s the Arabic version:

To download please press on the following link: 10 day Prayer Guide-Arabic-2010

Here’s the English version:

To download please press on the following link: 10 Days Prayer Guide-English-2010

Let’s stand together with fervent prayers!

– Rania